Monday, July 23, 2007

Weekly Inspiration #22

Okay so this week's inspiration is a little backwards - not from an ad, layout, design, or anything to that effect - it comes from a photo I came across in my photo box.

As you can tell, this was a total unintentional, messed up photo. We had spent the afternoon playing at the park & I was taking way too many photos. But... it still got printed with all the others. Even though it's not a great pic, I wanted to scrap it anyways to portray what I feel about Dylan. You may want to take it as I have - a new look to scrapping something you normally would try to avoid (if you even planned to scrap at all) or you may be inspired in another way (park pics, close-ups, etc.). Just whatever it inspires in you - CREATE! Here's how the photo inspired my layout:

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